A: 12 months.
Q: Generally, how long does it take for an insurer to make a decision on a claim?
A: A decision will be made within 4 months of receiving your claim.
There are certain circumstances where this may not happen, for example: your claim arises from an Extraordinary Catastrophe; your claim is fraudulent (or is suspected to be); you have not responded to inquiries or requests for information; your insurer has difficulty communicating with you due to circumstances beyond their control; or you request a delay in the claims process. In these cases, a decision will be made within 12 months of receiving your claim.
Q: How long will it take to get a decision on my claim?
A: Once your insurer has all the relevant information and has completed all enquiries, a decision will be made within 10 business days.
Q: Will I be informed if an external expert, loss assessor, loss adjuster or investigator has been appointed?
A: Yes, within 5 business days of their appointment.
Q: How often will I be updated about the progress of my claim?
A: At least every 20 business days.
Q: Can I have my claim fast-tracked?
A: Yes, if the event that has caused you to make a claim also caused you to be in urgent financial need of the benefits under your policy. You may also be entitled to receive an advanced amount to help ease your urgent financial need.