
Building Resilience Rating Tool (BRRT)


Measuring and disclosing the resilience of homes to natural hazards

The BRRT informs homeowners about the exposure and vulnerability of their property and encourages action to increase resilience and reduce the potential damage/loss from natural hazard events in a climate changed future. The BRRT increases the knowledge and awareness of the homeowner to the risks of climate change and a changing natural hazard profile.

The BRRT has been developed by the ICA over a decade as part of a broad set of initiatives to disclose risk information to the customer about property, and encourage consideration of risks as part of due diligence during property sale transactions.

The BRRT draws information from the ICA data and uses details entered by the customer to calculate a resilience rating from 1 (brittle) to 5 (resilient).


A key objective is to have the BRRT incorporated into a third-party rating scheme and drive leading practice resilient building (adapting homes to climate change). This is being delivered through the ICA’s partnership with the Green Building Council of Australia on The Future Homes initiative.


The BRRT has been developed over the course of 10 years and used in a series of initiatives to measure and guide the development of more resilient communities. There have been many partnerships with local governments, and the latest partnership with the Green Building Council of Australia sees us working with volume home builders.

The BRRT is currently under development in the “Early Access” phase of Green Star for homes.

Success Metric

A third-party certification for resilient homes.

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