
National Insurance Project


ICA collaborated with The Australia and NZ Emergency Management Committee’s project that is intended to give a contemporary and clear picture of natural disaster insurance across Australia, recognising that insurance plays a key role in natural disaster recovery.

In 2019 The Commonwealth Government released the National Disaster Risk Reduction Framework (NDRRF) which outlined a coordinated approach to reducing disaster risk. Improving the accessibility, variety and uptake of insurance was identified as a key priority as part of a coordinated approach to reducing disaster risk. 


The project undertook a thorough review of insurance across Australia and New Zealand to:

  • Research levels of non- insurance, under-insurance, and the range of insurance products that currently exist. 
  • Identify existing data/information that is available to stakeholders (e.g. governments, business, insurance industry and community).
  • Identify reasons/barriers for non/under insurance and potential impacts of a changing climate with more frequent extreme weather events.
  • Specifically identify any gaps in policies offered to small business.
  • Make recommendations to address barriers and gaps (of what)
  • Develop with insurers a joint government/industry communication strategy to increase insurance.

The report can be accessed here.


Emergency Management Australia (EMA) – Mitigation and Risk Sub-Committee (MaRS)

Measures of Success

An established relationship with EMA, with an ongoing dialogue focused on increasing physical resilience and insurance.

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